aus dem nichts/out of the void

buch und regie: Angela Summereder
kamera: Frank Amann
ausstattung: Mario Bräuer
musik: Wolfgang Mitterer 
ton: Peter Rösner
schnitt: Daniel Pöhacker 
dramaturgische beratung: Michael Palm

oberbeleuchter: Markus Thiermeyer 
kostüm: Veronika Albert
maske: Uschi Braun

produktionsleitung: Peter Janecek
aufnahmeleitung: Roland Hablesreiter 

produzent: Othmar Schmiderer 

mischtonmeister: Bernhard Maisch
tonstudio: Tremens Film
tonschnitt / sounddesign: Peter Rösner
filmscanning / online Schnitt: Uli Grimm / av-design

Darsteller: Gottfried Breitfuß, Annette Holzmann, Tim Breyvogel, Hans Michael Rehberg, Claus Tutur, Paramahamsa Tewari, Toby Grotz u.v.a.

Verleih: Stadtkino Wien

Welturaufführung Okt. 2015 Viennale Vienna International Filmfestival


Video on Demand

© 2015 o.schmiderer filmproduktion

Hergestellt mit Unterstützung von: 
Österreichisches Filminstitut ÖFI 
Filmstandort Austria FISA
ORF Film/Fernsehabkommen 
Land Oberösterreich 
Land Niederösterreich


Can energy be generated from empty space, from nothing – OUT OF THE VOID?

In the 1920s, Carl Schappeller claimed that he was able to develop a mechanism – a machine – by means of which a hitherto unexplored form of energy – free energy – could be accessed.

He mobilised a great many supporters. The Catholic Church, members of the former German Imperial dynasty, the English navy and numerous private persons were among those patrons who invested millions in his project.

Completely crazy? A charlatan and imposter from the last century?

The film takes up the trail of the audacious idea: old silent movies, documents, discoveries in the attic and the reminiscences of elderly people all lead us into a fictional world, in which Schappeller and his clan make their appearance as spirits.

After delving deep into the past, the film undergoes a transformation, ending up in the present.

In an industrial wasteland in Germany, a solitary experimental physicist continues to pursue the idea of free energy, while in India the former head of a nuclear power plant is already working on an innovative generator which is intended to utilise free energy.

The film reveals connections, breaks and continuities in the study of the phenomenon of free energy, and as a documentary-cum-feature film raises the question: What is reality? What is fiction?

A cinematic exploration of the borders between belief and knowledge, between vision and hubris.

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