Jessye Norman »Ich leb' allein in meinem Himmel, in meinem Lieben, in meinem Lied«
Jessye Norman »Ich leb' allein in meinem Himmel, in meinem Lieben, in meinem Lied« is the first film in which the greatest and world's most successful classical music singer since Maria Callas talks about her life, fears and inspirations, the challenges of superstardom, as well as the joys and tribulations that come with the unparalleled cult surrounding her person. In interviews with André Heller the panorama of beliefs and thoughts of this clever, beautiful, charming woman and exceptional artist is unfolded.
In addition, Jessye Norman will sing highlights of her repertoire in stage settings designed especially for this film by some of the greatest visual artists of our time.
20042005, 90 mins., super 16mm
Screenplay, director: André Heller, Othmar Schmiderer
Cinematographer: Jörg Schmidt-Reitwein, Wolfgang Lehner
Editor: Britta Nahler
Sound: Ulrich Goebel
Production design: Georg Resetschnig
Costumes: Annette Beaufays
Production: Dor-Film Danny Kraus & Kurt Stocker;